Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 1 Challenge: Putnam Cty. or Manhattan?

Have you ever seen a picture of something and suddenly you felt inspired. This happened to me just last week. I was going through my pins on Pinterest (being super productive organizing my boards) when I cam across the above picture. I had repinned it from one of my good friends about six weeks ago. Looking at it again, I realized how much I loved the idea of living in a brownstone. In NYC. Or living in NYC period!

This picture, full of light and positive energy and good vibes inspired me to take the next step... start looking for a place all my own! (Well, I will have a roommate, but that's not really the point.) I am at the point where I am ready to be on my own. See, I am stuck in that place where I went away to college for 3.5, lived in Australia for 2 months and found myself in my twenties living at home, saving money and waiting for the right opportunity to come along.

Well, that opportunity is NOW! Almost done with my master's (if I get through 2 more courses this semester, 1 in summer and my portfolio) now is the perfect time to begin the search. As of July, my salary will increase since I will have graudated from Fordham, and come fall, I have no outside of work responsibilites. Plus, all of my friends live in Manhattan, and at heart I am a true city-girl. So why not? My friend, and potenetial roommate, is on her way over right now to start the search!

BUT, am I really ready? I do believe in signs, fate, destiny, etc. but how do I know that I am doing the right thing? Won't I be throwing away money if I rent a closet-sized apartment? Should I be saving?

I think every young person goes through this struggle. (At least I hope so!) Now I just have to decide what' best for me, and what is REALLY discouraging me...

Ever since my parents divorced when I was younger, my mom and I have grown extra close. Part of me feels like I am abandoning her... I know she would never keep me from my dreams, but I still feel guilty doing something that is ultimately inevitable.

So here I find myself between a rock and a hard place.

***I stepped away from this piece for about 25 minutes to talk to my mom, and she said:

"You're ready for a new adventure! Go out there and show NYC what I already will do big things if you are willing to take risks!"

And there it is! See you Putnam County, I'm about to be a city girl!


  1. Well...I suspect those doors are calling you LOUDLY and clearly....telling you there is potential excitment there in the Big Apple. PS if you link to my blog, I will know to write to you!

  2. I know I will be in your shoes in the near, near future...I say go for it!!
